
handcrafted in spain

Slow fashion

Unfortunately, the fashion industry is related to pollution and labour exploitation. More and more clothes are produced and consumed, generating high levels of pollution and at very competitive prices as a result of precarious work situations.

However, we are increasingly aware of this situation and as consumers we look for alternatives to hyper-consumerism, buying ecological,sustainable and ethical fashion brands.

We're committed to this change and, for this reason, we work on-demand basis, producing small amounts of stock, and our manufacturer is local, based in Elche (Spain), so we can ensure a win-win partnership and adequate work conditions.


We started making the products we wanted to see in the world and we did this with an uncompromising approach to sustainability.

Unlike industrialized fashion, our production is local, by experts who pamper and take care of every detail when producing our sustainable sneakers. 


One day at shoe factory

Classic KS